Motion blur is based on your shutter speed, so a fast shutter speed will capture the image sharp, and a slow shutter speed will show the motion blur. The reason for motion blur is simply that your camera’s shutter remains open for a significant period. To get a good blurry motion blur is to have the longest/slow shutter speed your camera has. To have a sharp picture make sure you have the short/fastest shutter speed that your camera has. The other factor that comes into play when determining shutter speed is how much light exists in the scene. A longer shutter speed lets more light into your camera and runs the risk of blowing out or overexposing your image. If you don’t have a try pod you need to do everything you can to keep your camera perfectly still, otherwise you’ll capture a blurry subject. Shutter Priority Mode is the best for motion blur, you set the shutter speed and your camera will set everything else. It ensures you get the movement effect you’re after while also capturing generally well exposed images. Narrow the aperture because the narrow the aperture, the less light that will hit the camera sensor.